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Welcome to the User Guide for the GeoGardenClub app.

We designed the GeoGardenClub app to support the following goals:

  1. Provide a sophisticated, but easy to use app for home produce gardens. GGC App allows individual gardeners to create and manage multiple gardens over multiple years, and to easily collect Observations and Outcome data that enable them to gain insight and improve their garden practices and productivity over time. We want the GGC app to be best-in-class for individuals doing garden planning. We focus on gardens that produce food, not ornamental gardens.

  2. Provide useful mechanisms for community building for gardeners in a local area. Beyond individual gardener support, the GGC App provides a variety of mechanisms to help gardeners in a local geographic are to connect with and learn from each other. At the most basic level, gardeners in a local area can view each other's garden plans, and see what everyone is planting and which plantings are successful and which are not. Building on this, gardeners can chat with each other within the app, and use the GGC Share posting facility to offer or seek seeds, plantings, food, and other resources. The GGC App is intended to foster a vibrant community of local gardeners who become more productive, more quickly because of the app.

  3. If the app achieves goals (1) and (2), then this combination should make it possible to eventually achieve our fundamental goal: to significantly improve local community food resilience in multiple geographic regions. This will happen because GGC is designed to help increase both the number of local home gardeners and their productivity.

As you go through this guide, please keep in mind these goals which have motivated the design and implementation of the app.
