User Profile
The User Profile screen allows you to provide important information regarding your membership in GeoGardenClub. It is where you indicate your geographic region, which enables us to group you with your neighbors and thus provide you with relevant gardening information and insights.
Create User Profile
When you first sign in to GeoGardenClub, you will be taken to the Create User Profile screen:

Fill out the form as follows:
UserID: This is a read-only field that displays the email address you used when you registered in the previous screen.
Country: A pull-down menu showing the countries that have GGC Chapters. Select your country.
State: A pull-down menu showing the States (or Provinces) with Chapters in the selected country. Select your state.
Region: A pull-down menu showing regions (typically counties) within the selected country and state. Select your region.
Postal Code: A pull-down menu showing the postal codes defined for the selected country, state, and region. Select your postal code.
If you can't find your country, state, region, and postal code in the pull-down menus, then please email We'll fix it within a day so you can proceed with profile creation.
Username: A text field allowing you to define a username. GeoGardenClub does not reveal your name or email address to other users. Instead, you are identified by your username. All usernames must start with a "@". For example, @gardenerbob. Note that usernames must be unique, so if the username is taken, you will be asked to choose another one after you click "Submit".
Full Name: Enter your full name. This is for administrative purposes and will not be shared with other users.
Completed Permaculture Workshop: If you have formal education in permaculture, select this box. Completion of a permaculture workshop is required for those wanting the Permaculture Pro badge. For more on badges, see the Badges section.
Tap the Submit button to create your user profile.
Update User Profile
After your profile has been created, you can make changes to certain parts of it by selecting the Drawer, selecting Settings, and then selecting Update User Profile. This takes you to the Update User Profile screen:

Fill out the form as follows:
Picture: You can (optionally) define a profile picture by clicking on the Camera icon. You can select a picture from your Photo collection. Upon submission of this form, you will be prompted to crop it to a square image.
Username: You can change your username anytime. It must start with a "@" and be unique.
Full Name: If you need to correct the spelling of your full name, you can do it here.
Permaculture Workshop: If you have completed formal education in permaculture, select this box. Completion of a permaculture workshop is required for those wanting the Permaculture Pro badge. For more on badges, see the Badges section.
Tap the Submit button to update your user profile.
Once you've submitted your user profile, you cannot change your userID or your Chapter by yourself. (If you need to change these items, please email