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How (and why) to record outcomes

If you want to get better at gardening (or anything else), one of the most important things you can do is keep track of what worked and what didn't work.

In the case of gardening, it's helpful to keep track of whether a Planting "worked" or "didn't work". If the Planting worked, you'd like to remember that and repeat your success in the next season. If it didn't work, then you might want to make changes: maybe change the Variety, maybe plant it earlier or later, or something else.

Recording whether a Planting worked or didn't work is not only helpful for improving your own garden, it is also helpful to other gardeners in your Chapter. For example, say you want to plant Corn, and you've never done it before. Rather than start from scratch and guess at the Variety and planting dates, you can search the Chapter data for a Corn Planting that "worked" for another Gardener in your Chapter, and then copy that Planting into your own Garden.

GeoGardenClub provides Outcomes as a systematic way for gardeners to record what worked and what didn't work for a given Planting. There are five types of outcomes: germination, yield, flavor, pest/disease resilience, and appearance.

You can grade each Planting on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for any of these Outcome types. A score of 0 means there is no rating for that outcome type. For example, if you had poor Germination you may not have a rating for Flavor.

The following table provides definitions for each of the values for each of the Outcome types. We provide this so that different gardener's outcome ratings will be consistent with each other, which enables us to aggregate Outcome data together.

View outcomes

There are two ways to see Outcome data.

... for a single Garden

The Garden Details view for a Garden provides an Outcomes view in the bottom nav bar. This displays an Outcomes pane that enables you to see the Outcomes recorded for any Planting in that Garden:

In this case, you can see that the Gardener recorded Outcomes for two plantings of Italian Basil, and both worked out pretty well.

... for the entire Chapter

Another way to view Outcomes is by going to the Crops or Varieties screens from the Drawer. This enables you to view Outcome data aggregated from all the Gardeners in the Chapter. For example, this screen shows nine outcomes for Kale collected from two gardeners in the Chapter:

Manage Outcomes

To record or change one or more Outcomes for a given Planting, you must bring up the Update Planting screen. To do that, follow the instructions for Updating a Planting.

Once the Update Planting screen is displayed, you can scroll down to find sliders that enable you to record (and change) the rating associated with any of the five outcomes:

In this case, the Gardener provided a rating of 5 for Germination, 4 for Resistance, 3 for Flavor, 2 for Yield, and no rating for Appearance.

To "delete" an Outcome, just change its rating to 0.