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About Home

Welcome home!

Each time you sign in to the GeoGardenClub app, you will be taken to the Home screen. The Home screen is your "dashboard" and provides quick access to important features.

Home screen components

Here is an example that highlights some of the Home screen components:

Banner: All screens start with a Banner that shows the chapter you are in and your username. Tap your username for a drop-down list that takes you to your settings or allows you to logout.

NavBar: The Home screen NavBar provides:

  • The name of the screen.
  • The Help icon ("?"). Tap it to navigate to the User Guide documentation for the currently displayed view on this Home screen.
  • The "hamburger" icon. Tap it to reveal the Drawer.

Some screens may provide additional icons in the NavBar to support operations like editing, deletion, copying, etc.

Bottom NavBar: The Home screen includes a Bottom NavBar with icons that take you to useful "views". In the Home screen, there are five views (Gardens, Observations, Tasks, Chat, and Share). For these views, a red notification icon will appear if something has changed since the last time you visited.

The Drawer

Tapping the hamburger icon in the NavBar reveals the Drawer:

The Drawer is your "site map" to the app. It provides access to all of the top-level screens in the app.

Note that if you click on a screen name in the Drawer, and nothing happens, it's because you are already on that screen. Just click outside the Drawer to reveal the screen.

Let's now get to the most important concept in the GeoGardenClub app: gardens!