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How (and why) to look at Chapters

The Chapter Index screen, which can be accessed from the Drawer, provides access to information about both your Chapter and all other Chapters in GGC.

Chapter Index

Here is an example Chapter Index screen:

By default, this screen shows the "My Chapter" tab, which provides a summary of information about your own chapter: the crops used, the gardens defined, the number of gardeners, and so forth.

Note that each section can be expanded to show more detail. For example:

You can tap on a Chip to see more details about that item.

Other Chapters

Clicking the "Other Chapters" tab enables you to see information about all other GGC Chapters:

Lurk mode

When viewing other Chapters, a feature called "Lurk Mode" is available. By clicking the "Lurk Mode" button associated with another Chapter, you can "transport" yourself into the other Chapter and view its Gardens and certain other kinds of information. For example, tapping the "Lurk Mode" button for the Skagit-WA Chapter take you to this screen:

Notice that the chapter has changed to Skagit-WA and there is a red banner indicating you are in Lurk Mode along with a button to exit.

Lurk Mode is read-only: you can't create or update anything in the Chapter you are visiting. However, you can look around. For example, you can go to the Drawer, tap "Gardens" to go to the Garden Index screen for that Chapter, then select a Garden and look at its details:

Lurk Mode can be useful for seeing how Gardeners in other Chapters are organizing their Gardens.