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How to create, update, or delete an observation.

GGC allows gardeners to make "observations" regarding a planting of a plant variety on a specific day. Observations can include phenomena such as successful germination, first flower, first harvest, diseases, or pests, document outcomes like yields, or simply record the progress of a planting.

Viewing all Chapter Observations

From the side navigation menu, tap Home then tap Observations in the bottom navigation menu. A scrollable display of all observations from all chapter gardens will be displayed. The garden, gardener, and tag chips are all tapable.

  • Garden chip: Tap the garden chip to go that garden's Garden Summary Screen.
  • Gardener chip: Tap the gardener chip to go to that gardener's Gardener Summary Screen.
  • Tag chip: Tap the tag chip to see other observations that include that tag.

Viewing Observations for a specific planting

All observations connected to a planting will be displayed in the Planting Details Screen. To view the Planting Details Screen, navigate to the garden in which the planting is located. Tap the planting bar for the planting you are interested in.

The Planting Details Screen will be displayed, first showing info about that planting, followed by a scrollable list of the planting observations.

Adding an Observation

To add an observation, first navigate to the garden in which the observation is happening.

Then click the planting bar for the planting you are adding an observation for. Tap the camera icon to go to the Create Observation Screen.

Fill out the Create Observation Screen. The app will fill in some fields automatically, such as Garden, Bed, Crop, and Variety.

  • Picture: Tap the camera icon to take a picture of the planting or tap the gallery icon to select a picture from your device's gallery.
  • Description: Describe the observation. What is happening? Do you have theories or questions other gardeners might be able to help with?
  • Observation Date: If you are adding an observation for a date other than today, tap the date to select a different date.
  • Tags: Add tags to make your observation easily filterable. Tags are also important if you want that observation to satisfy a requirement of a badge. For more on badges, see the Badges section.
  • Is this a private observation? If you don't want other chapter gardeners to see your observation, select this box.

Tap Submit to add the observation to the planting or Cancel to return to the Planting Details Screen.

Editing an Observation

If you'd like to edit an observation that has already been created, tap the three dots on the upper right of the Observation Card and select Update Observation.

Note that if you need to change the garden, bed, crop, or variety of the observation, you will need to delete the observation and create a new one.

Edit the title, description, tags, observation date, or privacy settings and then hit Submit to save your changes or Cancel to return to the Planting Details Screen.

Deleting an Observation

If you'd like to delete an observation that has already been created, tap the three dots on the upper right of the Observation Card and select Delete Observation.

A confirmation box will appear. Tap Delete to delete the observation or Cancel to return to the Planting Details Screen.